+++UPDATE: Vilnius cultural venues facing bankruptcy ask municipality to guarantee emergency loans

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The Vilnius Night Alliance has proposed a rescue plan, known as the “Night Fund”, it has been delivered to the Mayor’s desk and is currently under consideration. 

Rūta Meškauskaitė, Executive Director of the Vilnius Night Alliance, stresses the importance of small, independent, private venues in the fabric of Vilnius culture.

“This constellation of small venues provides homes for all genres and disciplines. These cultural institutions are the guardians of creative variety, allowing a wide range of the city’s upcoming artists to experiment, learn and grow as they perform.”

– Ruta Meškauskaitė, Executive Director, Vilnius Night Alliance

The former Night Mayor of Amsterdam Mirik Milan, one of the consultants from VibeLab who took part in the Vilnius night economy study, has also backed the Night Fund plan, stating that

“Culture spaces urgently need access to financial solutions to fill the gap left by the shutdown. The state must step in and guarantee small business loans to save these essential places and keep the city’s culture alive.”

– Mirik Milan, former Night Mayor of Amsterdam and founder of VibeLab

For the full article head to the Vilnius Night Alliance website